Thursday, April 4, 2013

NHS High School Hockey Team

                In an interview with Connor Russell, a Norton High School Junior who has played hockey for around 12 years, gave some insight on his views about the Norton High School hockey team next year. "It's a good and exciting thing to experience, although I wish it was available to participate in longer since I will only be able to play on it for one year, it's cool to know that it's the start of a new sport for the school that will hopefully stay around like football and baseball." Russell said. Like he said it will be interesting to see how it all works out. Many people worked hard to get a team and now it's possible. "I feel it will be an exciting and fun new sport to add to the school" he said. In any sport you can't be sure what will happen, "I think that the team will do well, but you can't really know for sure." Russell said. When asked about his predictions for the next season and the new team he responded by saying "I can't be totally sure yet, maybe during the season after a couple games or practices, but hockey can be really hard to predict especially the first year the school has a team. I can only hope that it will be successful." This will be a great new experience for the players and for the school to get to watch a new sport, despite the cold rink. "At first, I think the support of the team will be very small, mostly just parents and siblings of the players, but it's new so that's fine." Russell said after being asked about the support of the school. "Personally I'm really excited, playing for the high school will be a good way to bring students together in a sport that they've played their whole lives." Connor Russell said. Hopefully the team will be successful and the team will be able to continue on for a long time.

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